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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hello World for Action Jump

Well,  here it is.  A totally simple game,  with the wrong controls,  and no scoring or title page.  As promised,  here is a screenshot:

The yellow ball is our player placeholder graphics.  That weird texture below the player is a test to see if textures work. You can move the player left and right using the arrow keys on the keyboard,  which is not the real controls yet,  but hey,  it's version 0.001.

You can try it out at this link:

If you don't have the Unity Web player installed on your system you'll need to install it,  but it's quick, safe and easy.  This web version works on PC's and Macs, but you're out of luck on an iPad or iPhone since the Unity player is incompatible with those as of now (January 2011).

I had to call it something,  so I'm using "ActionJump" as the temporary name.  Most non-sequel video games start with some kind of placeholder name.  It's often not until the end of the project when name is finalized.  If you're lucky then you can keep the first name.  Just in case,  I did a quick check using Google and found that there are no famous video games using that name.  So far so good.  I kind of like this name,  but only time will tell if it's a good name for this game,  or even if I can legally use it.

Normally we don't need to think too much about the name this early,  but because I'm letting the public in on the development it's necessary to at least not call it Halo or MegaMan.  It's tempting to call it Gubble 3 and be done with it,  but this is not yet another sequel.

I'm using as the host for ActionJump.  This is a new website,  and the only thing on the site is the ActionJump game.

My next goal is to get the game to a playable state with the controls like I described them yesterday.

-- fxl


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