Here's the link to today's playable web version: ActionJump Version 0.003
The collision detection between the player and the ledges doesn't quite work the way I want, but it's a good start. There's still no game structure, such as scoring, winning, title screen, etc. so maybe it's time to put something like that in there. As we work on the controls we'll want to tell the players out there how the controls work, so a small intro screen that tells us how the controls work would be good.
If we're going to fall off ledges we need a lives system so the game doesn't just end when you fall off.
Using a rigid-body physics engine in a side scroller is probably overkill and could introduce performance problems on the phone versions, so we might have to put in an efficient 2D physics engine eventually.
In case you're wondering what that weird background is doing in here, it's what happened when I was playing around with the artistic effects in Gimp2. It's just a single placeholder texture.
So next time we'll have better controls and a title screens with an explanation of the controls and a lives system.
-- fxl
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